How can we best represent all students within our data systems?
How can data be used most effectively to inform efforts to improve outcomes?
How can successful initiatives be sustained and scaled for impact?
Our goal is to bring together colleagues across domains to collaborate on a data-informed project to improve outcomes for all students.
We define success as professional growth, progress towards improving those outcomes, and building a long-term network to support your efforts.
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) fosters through its accreditation standards, policies, and eligibility standards a process of continuous quality improvement centered around student success and the fulfillment of each member institution’s unique mission. NWCCU’s unique accreditation model allowing institutions to define their mission; core themes; and meaningful, assessable, and verifiable indicators of achievement that form the basis for evaluating mission fulfillment respects the diversity of institutions within the region and their methods of educational delivery, culture, and measures of student achievement.
NWCCU’s Data Equity Fellowship prepares higher education leaders to advance institutional mission fulfillment and equity initiatives through data-informed approaches to assessment, reflection, and planning to eliminate equity gaps. The Fellowship is designed to bring together faculty, staff, and administrators that identify as “data focused” or “equity focused” to collaborate on a meaningful data-informed project with expert facilitation to improve equitable outcomes. The Fellowship is unique in its approach to bridging “data” and “equity” roles with a strong focus on effective collaboration across roles, departments, units, and functional areas; emphasis on using agile methods for institutional transformation; planning for sustainability and scalability; facilitation by national experts; and active engagement in communities of practice.
Fellows are expected to work in pairs (or small teams) of institutional partners to produce a final project advancing their institution’s mission-aligned goals to improve equitable outcomes.
The Fellowship’s curriculum is designed to enable equitable participation regardless of geographic location. Therefore, Fellowship activities are conducted in a 100% remote format (online, travel is not required) with special consideration given to differing levels of access to high-speed internet. In addition to monthly Fellowship and Community of Practice meetings, presentations and “office hours” with national experts in the fields of data equity and diversity, equity, and inclusion, Fellows will collaborate towards a final project designed to advance the equity goals of the Fellows’ own institutions.
Fellowship materials, presenters, and expert consultants have been selected to offer Fellows a wide range of modern and highly relevant subject matter, including: optimizing the value of data in effective institutional planning and decision-making, effectively using data and analytics to guide increased equity and institutional mission fulfillment, working effectively with qualitative data, creating a culture of evidence and excellence, core principles of data equity, using of agile methods to support institutional transformation, planning for sustainability and scalability, quality improvement, and how national and regional policy shapes institutional practice.
Unit One – Foundations and Groundwork
Unit Two – Defining Areas of Focus
Unit Three – Creating Solutions & Inquiry
Unit Four – Scaling & Sustaining
Unit Five – Sharing Knowledge
Data Equity Fellows will present a final project applying a data-informed approach to an equity-focused challenge/opportunity at their institution. The Fellowship team from each institution will collaborate and present a single project that analyzes, interprets, and integrates data equity principles into their own institutions’ planning, facilitates a collaborative solution with diverse internal stakeholders to advance equitable student learning, student achievement, and mission fulfillment within the Fellows’ institution.
The project should include a description of the challenge or opportunity experienced at the Fellows’ institution (and the historical context), reflection upon current literature and best practices, the data equity principles applied, and a discussion and analysis of the implementation efforts employed during the Fellowship. Finally, the project should offer a reflection upon how the solutions brought to bear on the opportunity/challenge could be sustained and applied to broader contexts or different institutional challenges.
Graduates of the Data Equity Fellowship will be able to:
The Fellowship is open to faculty, staff, and administrators who are committed to:
Tuition cost for the Data Equity Fellowship is $4,900 per Fellow. Institutions that wish to send more than the required two (2) Fellows, or who wish to send only one, should contact the Fellowship Director. In future years, Fellows will meet at the NWCCU annual conference for special programs and professional and social networking opportunities.
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities sponsors the Data Equity Fellowship and is located on the traditional homelands of the Duwamish, Stillaguamish, and Coast Salish peoples who have lived in these territories from time immemorial, and are still here today.
We extend our honor, respect, and gratitude to them, and to their elders and descendants—past and present—in continuing to enrich our lives through sharing their wisdom in allowing us to gather on their traditional lands.